Safety Procedures

During these extraordinary times, it’s important that you understand how we protect our patients and ourselves. Below we have outlined our policies and recent safety and health enhancements to further protect you.

Office Enhancements
To further help sanitize our facility, we have installed ultraviolet (UV) lights in our examination rooms along with a medical grade HEPA filter in our waiting room. And we have temporarily removed the magazines from our waiting room.

Infection Control Education
We have recently attended the latest infection control seminar, and we are using the most current infection control techniques to protect our patients and staff.

Waiting Room
When you arrive at West Valley Dental, you’ll likely enter into a waiting room with no other patients. This is purposely accomplished by scheduling appointments to avoid patient overlap. Upon entering our waiting room which receives a deep-clean every evening, you’ll be able to wipe the soles of your footware on sanitizing and disinfecting floor mats. Our waiting room chairs are cleaned after each use and will enable you to relax. For your comfort, complimentary masks and hand sanitizer are available for every patient.

You’ll be greeted by a friendly voice and smile from behind our PPE. Our team will be wearing masks, shields, gloves, and gowns. Before treating you, we’ll ask several important questions regarding your health:

  • Have you travelled internationally in the past 14 days?
  • Do you currently feel ill, sick or have any difficulty breathing?
  • Do you currently, or have you had a fever or cough in the past 14 days?
  • Have you, yourself, or any friends, acquaintances, or family members tested positive for COVID-19, or indicate any of the above health conditions?

And to confirm your health, we may read your temperature using a non-contact infrared-thermometer.

Our Staff
For your health, our staff answers these same questions every morning, and our temperatures are also measured using a non-contact infrared-thermometer.

Your Procedure
You’ll be escorted into a freshly cleaned and disinfected room. All instruments will be unwrapped from their sterile packaging in your view. Depending upon the procedure, we may also wear shields. And after we’ve completed the procedure, the room will be sanitized for the next patient—followed by a replacement of our PPE.

Your Health
Your health and safety are of paramount importance to us. We adhere to CDC and CDA regulations for all dental procedures. That’s why we change into our scrubs upon entering the office, and we change our shoes before we greet patients. And at the end of the day, we do the reverse. If you have questions, we encourage you to ask. We’re dedicated toward your dental health and overall safety.